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Network News
Strong alliance for capacity building
Nuffield International and agri benchmark signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in which both partners agree among other things to grow a network of experts in production system, value chains and related economic analysis and help developing countries and their institutions to establish and grow local expertise in crop.
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Thanks a lot!
At the end of 2016 our colleague Friederike Roesner left us on her own accord to take on new professional challenges at Cargill. We would like to thank Friederike for all her contributions in the last years. We are sure it is the whole agri benchmark Cash Crop Network which will miss her and wish her all the best for the future.
Friederike Rösner

A new look on cassava
To better understand the economics of cassava production including processing, FAO commissioned agri benchmark to establish typical farms and typical value chains in Thailand and generate a respective report. Special emphasis will be put on employment effects in Thailand, which happens to be the leader in global trade of cassava derived product. We are very excited about this new research because it also adds to our expertise in yet another crop.
Agricultural Excellence as a challenge
Yelto Zimmer took part in the Agricultural Excellence Conference (AgEx) 2016 in Calgary, Canada. This conference brings agricultural experts and stakeholders together from across disciplines, regions and production sectors. Yelto presented agri benchmark results illustrating the competitiveness of Canadian Crop Production.
» Canadian Crop Production – How does it compare vis à vis major competitors

New partnerships
The British levy organization “Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board” (AHDB), the Hungarian “Research Institute of Agricultural Economics” (AKI) and the “Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority” (TEAGASC) have decided to join agri benchmark Cash Crop as scientific partners. We are very excited about new experts coming onboard and the broadening of our coverage of European crop production. Welcome!

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August 2017
Dear Friends and Partners,
Yelto Zimmer while there is a lot of uncertainty about the future of global trade – which of course also impacts agriculture – we are convinced that a better understanding of global crop production is a prerequisite to manage globalization.
We therefore are happy to explain to you why Argentina is about to become (again) a major player in global wheat exports after the abolishment of export taxes. Since sugar is a key commodity in global trade we are also proud to be able to share with you most recent findings on the competitiveness of key players.
I hope you’ll enjoy reading this issue – please let us know in case you have any questions or comments.
Yelto Zimmer
Coordinator of agri benchmark Cash Crop Network
Argentinian wheat exports - A revival ahead!
For decades Argentina used to be a key player in global wheat exports. Due to massive political interventions at the expense of wheat (as well as other commodities) Argentina almost disappeared from global wheat markets. Since the new government has lifted these restrictions and tariffs we analyzed how the economics of wheat will improve and what that all may mean to exports. The findings: overall farm and wheat economics in particular will improve dramatically – with an increase of gross margins by more than 100%. Therefore, this may cause exports to double within the next 3 years or so. This would place Argentina among the top five wheat exporters globally.
»  Argentinian wheat exports - A revival ahead!
Briefing Paper 2017/8, pdf-document, 925 KB
Main results you find summarized here
» Argentina:Poised for a wheat export revival!

Exploring international competitiveness in grain and oilseed
Logo AHDB The UK’s levy organization AHDB organized their annual Grain Market Outlook Conference in October 2016 in London. Samuel Balieiro from the agri benchmark team was invited to give a talk about the international competitiveness of grain and oilseed production.
British producers are very keen to understand the actual cost-competitiveness of their competitors with a special focus on Russia and Ukraine, looking also for different scenarios depending on the outcome of the Brexit negotiations. The main take-home messages were that indeed Russia and Ukraine are cost leaders when it comes to wheat production and that there is still potential for yield increases in these countries. Moreover, the discussion showed that UK rapeseed yields are relatively lower than its European competitors but with similar costs per ton of output.
» Exploring international competitiveness in grain and oilseed
Presentation Samuel Balieiro, AHDB Conference 2016, pdf, 883 KB

Transport and logistics – key drivers in global competitiveness
barge on mississippi As part of the recently issued agri benchmark Cash Crop brochure Elizabeth Lunik analyzed the influence of transport and logistic costs on the competitiveness of selected corn-exporting countries.
Her contribution stressed agri benchmark´s concern to understand global markets and respective value chains as well as farm-level production costs.
» Transport and logistics – key drivers in global competitiveness
Article in "understanding agriculture worldwide", brochure agri benchmark (excerpt), 2017, pdf, 883 KB
cover brochure If you are interested to receive a copy of the agri benchmark Cash Crop brochure "understanding agriculture worldwide"
please contact
The brochure introduces you to the concept, key features, and most importantly, the value agri benchmark offers to prospective partners and clients.
Cash Crop Conference 2017
This year´s conference proved once more the importance of international comparisons of facts and figures . Key findings of the conference are summarized in the conference press release:
»  Profitable crop production in Russia, Ukraine and Argentina will boost output and exports; European producers ahead of serious changes in their cropping systems
Press release on www.agribenchmark.org
participants ccc17

agri benchmark in the media
Samuel Balieiro presented a paper written jointly with Thomas de Witte and Pipat Weerathaworn at the 29th Congress of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Thailand.
» Competitiveness of sugarcane production: a comparison among Thailand, Vietnam, South Africa and Brazil.
in: The International Sugar Journal, Feb. 2017, (abstract, complete paper available for subscribers only or contact
A comprehensive look on the competitiveness of Thailand´s sugar production compared to European sugar production:
» Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Zuckerproduktion in Thailand
in: Zuckerrübe 2/2017, pp. 16 - 19 (available only in German)
Main findings of the master thesis of Simon Lütkenhaus, which was supervised by Thomas de Witte, were published in DLG-Mitteilungen:
» Was "kosten" Leguminosen?
in DLG-Mitteilungen, Dec. 2016, pp. 26 – 28 (available only in German)
Economics effects of a glyphosat ban on farm-level outcomes were analyzed by M. Schulte, T. Kühlmann, T. de Witte and L. Theuvsen:
» Ökonomische Auswirkungen eines Glyphosatverzichts auf einzelbetrieblicher Ebene
in: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics, Vienna, 2016, pp. 37 - 38.
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