The global network agri benchmark having evolved during the last 15 years guided by the Thünen Institute has relaunched its pig branch in 2015.
Experts from presently 12 countries, which account for about 80 per cent of the global pork population, collect and exchange information about the specifics of pig farming and the pig sector in their countries. The collaboration aims to use internationally harmonised methods for meaningful comparisons of production systems, framework conditions and value chains.
With this information science, business and politics will be enabled to assess future prospects of different production systems at various locations in a realistic manner. This concerns for example the impact of different regional animal welfare acts, environmental regulations, land use competition or marketing concepts. The detail and structure of the farm data set allows farm strategy analysis in close cooperation with producers and advisors.
The network works on an annual schedule with updates of farm and sector data, an annual conference and report.
A close interaction with the InterPIG network and its experts is foreseen.